(((1st edition, limited to 200 copies)))
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Who we are is relative; it’s in how we relate to one another.
Opposites attract, compliment, polarize, and repel.
Love brings us together, and love will tear us apart.
Spread throughout these pages you’ll encounter expressions of concisely phrased, deceptively playful, nuanced nonsense. These lyrical impressions conspire to suggest a narrative arch that, though spanned across various characters, lifetimes, and lifestyles, engenders universal themes of relationship dynamics. Threading the different facets together so as to tell a singular, many-masked tale the story invokes an archetypal display of masculine and feminine, light and dark, push and pull, attraction and repulsion, and the spectrum of shade & shine that bridges the binary.
And that, as James Joyce put it, is the He and the She of It.
The He and The She Of It is an illustration collaboration, orchestrated by The Ungoogleable Michaelangelo, whose collection of witty and whimsical verses serves as the central axis around which the drawings revolve. The project involves a multitude of diverse artists, each of whom contributed their unique visual interpretation of this multi-verse unfolding.
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